
Friday, July 31, 2009

Checks and Balances

I kind of just realized that God has instilled in me a lot of things that are constantly, so to speak, "keeping me in check."

I dont have any specific examples, but always growing up and even up still, I have not ever been really really good at one thing. I'm alright at somethings, maybe better then alright at a few things, and really really sucky at many things. And its true, i cannot deny it. Sure, every once in a while it can get a little frustrating, but I have come to accept it. I pick things up pretty darn slowly, so finding patience for myself was something I have had to do for a while. Still finding myself caught up in the mindset that I am not as good at somethings as I want to be or "getting it" as quickly as I want to be, is humbling in itself.

It is on a daily basis where I notice that in the back of my mind there is temptation for pride (conceit, self-praise...whatever you wish to call it) to leak in, and wait for itself to cultivate. By God's grace (which is sort of perlexing to say here), it is either by consiousness of it or by God's interference of it, that traces of "pride" get disproved pretty quickly. Mind you, when I'm being too oblivious to notice and God decides to step in, being disproved of any reason to be prideful is never too fun. But really, I am greatful that He inserts these little checks and balances into me...and even still right now, I am humbled by the realization of his constant interventions being such a big part of who I am.

Being constantly reminded that I have no reason to be conceitful of anything turns out to be a blessing because everything I do and everything I am has nothing to do with my efforts to propel me there, but only by God's grace that allows me and his mercy that takes me.


So I have this dog. He's kinda awesome. but he pees in the house too much.

But i just luvs him anyways.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No Words

Because this pretty much describes it...

Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm Delirious? (not the band, sorry)

Elizabeth would have been in these pics too if she hadnt been such a good student and went to bed already. :(

So taking this history 101 class over the summer has been a huge mistake... but there are some plus sides to it. I guess that would be being able to do homework with friends as opposed to all by my lonesome. (then again there are some downsides to that as well = not so productive)

I was frustrated with my stressful predicament so I wanted to vent. These pictures are after a full night of homework where I was able to finish about half of the work I set out to accomplish. But I could care less about that crap...there are more important things in life.

Warning: These pictures do not portray the successful and productive night of slaving over my school work.
Curse you, summer school.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I Found My Career

Today. Today was a total blog-worthy day because I actually got the chance to go skydiving! I always knew it was something I wanted to do before I died and I am extremely excited to say that I have been! (but that doesnt mean im ready to die now)

Liz surprised me earlier in the week by telling me that she wanted to hang out and give me my birthday present early.......and that we were going to skydive. (WHAT!) I was crazy excited and couldnt wait to go. Seriously, liz thank you so much, it was awesome.

So anticipation was actually really really fun. We began the journey by signing most of our legal rights away (very redundant with all those initials but still fun). And then we did our tandem training...in Brazilian. yes, our group ended up being dominantly Brazilian (all execpt me and liz) so we interpreted all that good stuff one needs to know about jumping out of the plane safely in a different language. We are still alive. :)

My ears kept popping on the plane ride up. When we reached about 6000 feet, I thought we were ready to jump! It turns out we were only half way up...so more ear popping time to go. Eventually we reached 13000 and jumped out there. I thought that would be the part where I would freak out but it actually wasnt that big of a deal...it was just freaking awesome. We were free falling for about a minute straight and the entire time i was just screaming. My mouth was wide open the whole time so when he pulled the parachute, the left side of my face was covered in my saliva. mmm attractive. Yes, its a good thing he had a video camera all up in my face for it all. oh my, am I looking forward to seeing that.

I am super grateful for an experience like this and thank God that I was able do something this awesome. I'm floored by the riches He has always poured on my life.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

So This One Time...

I decided to give this blog thing another shot and start fresh again. Starting fresh is kind of fun, right? But this time will be a little different from the first... hopefully in the sense that I will actually use it. (I am apparently trying to be optimistic as well).

When I had the ridiculously successful "raindrop chronicles" I noticed how I would always think of things to write but never got around to posting them because most of the things (not internet worthy) I would write would end up in my journal instead.

Therefore, this will be more of a photo blog.

but not.

but sort of.

I will dedicate this post to the blame of my blogging career's failure:

Leaving the words to the pages and the digital pictures to the cybertronic world wide web of virtual awesomeness.

...i dont really know what that means.